Call the bird doctor Call the bird doctor

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Call the bird doctor

I hate seeing my parrot sick. He's such a jolly fellow and is usually the brightest start to the day you can picture. When he gets sick and doesn't seem so chirpy, I feel down all day long. My vet is such a great guy and never thinks I'm being silly when I call him about my parrot not seeming normal. He even does house calls if my parrot is really not feeling great and I don't want to bring him in. If you are looking for a great bird doctor like mine, then keep reading. Birds deserve great care too!


Why A Puppy Pre-School Makes Sense For All Dogs

Puppies are incredibly charming animals that seem to have no care in the world other than to play with you and wreak havoc in their newly explored environment. While that first point certainly adds to their cuteness and overall appeal, the second feature is more of a detriment than you probably realise at first. Puppies, just like any animal with very little direction, will do whatever they like and can cost you a lot of money as well as time and effort in cleaning up after them, but it doesn't have to be that way. A puppy preschool can be a huge help to all dogs, and here are a few reasons why.

Putting Boundaries In Place

Even if you don't want your dog to become an expert at following super-specific orders, making sure that they understand boundaries is important. Dogs without boundaries are no better than wild animals. A puppy preschool will help instil a sense of structure into your puppy without taking away all of the joy and happiness that they freely give to anyone they meet. Many owners worry that a puppy preschool will negatively affect their dog's loving temperament, but that is absolutely not the case.

Early Is Better

The phrase 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks' may not be quite accurate, but it does hint at a truth that dogs struggle to understand new instructions or ways of life the older they get. They become creatures of habit and, while they still love their owners, they might not be as receptive to training as a puppy. Puppies have all that energy and are very much open to the world around them, which is why they make great students. Lessons taught here will last a lifetime, and you will be thanking yourself that you took this initiative in a few years.

Certain Breeds Need More Control

While it is true that a certain level of training is great for all dogs, there are a few breeds that long for more strict control and orders, and without it, they can go a little bit stir-crazy. These are working dogs, and without training, their energy can be placed in the wrong direction. From German shepherds to boxers, if your dog is included in the working dog breeds, then you need to take a more proactive approach and make sure that they can funnel this inherent energy properly. 

Reach out to a puppy preschool near you to learn more.